I’m going to be honest with you all, and even I had to pause it quite a few times.
This is another one of those exercises where you can’t feel your shoulders after too long, and you have no idea how to catch your breath.

It looks a little goofy, but you bear crawl over the later, jump your feet in the last rung, do a backwards bear crawl back, bring your hands into the first rung, and then do something like 8 pike presses. By the time you reach the 40 second mark, you legs and shoulders are completely numb, and you can’t breath because your heart rate is up so high! Another exercise is this crazy thing called the Bear Crawl. The first being this ladder jump exercise where you’re in plank, body parallel over the ladder, and you jump your feet for 20 seconds to the first rung, then 20 seconds to the 2nd, and then another 20 seconds to the third. Insanity Asylum comes with an agility ladder, and you use the crap out of it! You do some normal exercises that you would see at an NFL camp, but then you do some exercises that have you thinking, “Where in the heck did he come up with this stuff?” Well you might not think that, but I sure was! I’m not going to run through the entire workout, but there are a few exercises that stick out in my mind.

Shaun T runs through a quick stretching routine, and then the real fun begins.
This series continued for, oh I don’t know, maybe 10 minutes, and by the time the warm-up was finished, I already had sweat dripping from my face. Yeah, and that was just one of the exercises. Shaun T runs through a series of crazy intense jump rope exercises, some of them so crazy I had no idea how the heck to do them! One involved criss-crossing your legs twice and then doing a jump squat, all while trying to continue jump roping normally. In fact, you will probably start the program, do the warm-up, and just quit if you don’t know how to push yourself! Let’s start with the warm-up. That just doesn’t happen to me! Asylum takes the workouts to a whole new level, and if you don’t have the proper mindset going into it, then you won’t last very long. Really, that’s the only way I can describe it because for the first time since I started P90X back in March of 2008 I felt like I was going to throw up during and after the workout.

Yesterday while doing Speed & Agility, I felt like I was back in college doing baseball conditioning, but 10X worse! I mean seriously, it was nuts. For those of you who don’t know, Asylum is a sports based program, meaning it’s going to improve athletic performance. I’m going to start with an Asylum review of the Speed & Agility workout. I actually won the copy because of my success as a Beachbody Coach, but anyways, I decided to start my first workout last week, Strength, and holy cow, that was a tough one! Yesterday, I decided to do the first workout of the series, Speed & Agility, and I learned why you have to be in great shape to do this program. At least that’s how the new Insanity Asylum workout program makes me feel! We have all been anticipating the release of Asylum for quite some time now, mostly because it’s the follow-up program of the original Insanity, and we know how tough that is! A few weeks ago Asylum was released, and I got my Shaun T signed copy in the mail about a week ago.